Entries by City Hall

ZONING NOTIFICATION: 2296 Lafayette Landing – Case No. FV-2021-02

Conduct a Public Hearing and consider approval of a Resolution for a Variance to Section 157.02 (C) of the Code of Ordinances that limits fences in the front yard to a maximum height of four feet (4’). The applicant is requesting to construct a five foot (5’) ornamental metal picket fence in the front yard […]

CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: 2021 Annual Concrete Roadway Repair

PROJECT SCOPE: The City concrete roadway repair project is the replacement of concrete pavement at various locations throughout the City, including repair of several sections of Heathland Crossing between FM-740 and White Road. The roadway reconstruction on Heathland Crossing will be in sections beginning with the eastbound lanes (Phases 1 and 2) and then moving […]

Heath DPS Captain Jevin Womack Retires after 25 Years of Service

On Friday, June 18, Heath DPS Captain Jevin Womack concluded his final shift and stepped into retirement after 25 years of service to the Heath community. “Captain Womack has exemplified the highest ideals of public service during his tenure with the City of Heath, first as a volunteer, and finally as a Captain,” said Chief […]

July 2021

Headline Story INDEPENDENCE DAY IN HEATH = PARADE AND FESTIVITIES JULY 3, 2021 For a patriotic hometown American experience, join the festivities at the City of Heath’s Annual Independence Day Parade presented on Saturday, July 3.

Applications Sought for the Board of Adjustment

The City is continuing the process of filling vacancies on boards and commissions and welcomes applications for the Board of Adjustment. You can download an application here. Be sure to note you are applying for Board of Adjustment. Responsibilities of the Board of Adjustment: Provide relief for property owners who experience an unnecessary hardship or […]

You Are Invited to Share Your Input

A draft of a proposed Noise Ordinance for Heath has been posted for your review. The City currently does not have a Noise Ordinance, and this draft is only a starting point for Heath that is based upon models adopted by other cities. All of the terms, including the hours stated for a commercial business […]

Construction Update: Hubbard Drive

The center line stripe recently painted on Hubbard Drive is for safety purposes. The stripe will help delineate the current asphalt roadway at night. The City will continue to monitor the Hubbard Drive roadway. The reconstruction of Hubbard has been funded and is under design. The new roadway will be a widened two-lane concrete road […]